Nos publications

3757 documents

  • Emmanuel Rigaud, Denis Barday. Modelling and Analysis of Static Transmission Error. Effect of Wheel Body Deformation and Interactions between Adjacent Loaded Teeth. 4th World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission, Mar 1999, Paris, France. pp.1961-1972. ⟨hal-00121847⟩
  • Sébastien Hollinger, Jean-Marie Georges, Denis Mazuyer, Philippe Boure, Sandrine Bec, et al.. Wear modes in lubricated brass-tungsten carbide contact. 25th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 1999, Lyon, France. pp.645-654. ⟨hal-00082452⟩
  • André Tonck, Sandrine Bec, Jean-Marie Georges, John C. Bell, Richard C. Coy, et al.. Structure and mechanical properties of ZDTP films in oil. 25th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, 1999, Lyon, France. pp.39-47. ⟨hal-00082469⟩
  • François Nicot, B. Cambou, J. Bourriot. Mechanical behaviour of rockfall restraining nets. International seminar on natural disaster reduction, Cartagena, COL, juin 1999, 1999, Cartagena, Colombia. pp.187-196. ⟨hal-02582683⟩
  • Jean-Luc Reboud, Regiane Fortes Patella, Mickael Hofmann, Henrik Lohrberg, Gerhard F Ludwig, et al.. Numerical and experimental investigations on the self-oscillating behaviour of cloud cavitation: part II: dynamic pressures. ASME, FEDSM99-6755, 1999, San Francisco, United States. ⟨hal-02510531⟩
  • Mickael Hofmann, Henrik Lohrberg, Gerhard F Ludwig, Bernd Stoffel, Jean-Luc Reboud, et al.. Numerical and experimental investigations on the self-oscillating behaviour of cloud cavitation : part I: visualisation. ASME, FEDSM99-6755, 1999, San Francisco, United States. ⟨hal-02509565⟩
  • A. Tonck, Sandrine Bec, Denis Mazuyer, J.M. Georges, Ton Lubrecht. The Ecole Centrale de Lyon surface force apparatus: an application overview. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 1999, 213 (J5), pp.353-361. ⟨10.1243/1350650991542721⟩. ⟨hal-00663301⟩
  • François Nicot, B. Cambou. Dynamic analysis of rockfall restraining structures. 7th international symposium on numerical models in geomechanics-NUMOG 7, Graz, AUT, 1-3 september 1999, 1999, Graz, Austria. pp.609-614. ⟨hal-02580956⟩
  • François Nicot, P. Nouvel, B. Cambou, L. Rochet, G. Mazzoleni. Etude du comportement mécanique des ouvrages souples de protection contre les éboulements rocheux. Revue Française de Génie Civil , 1999, 3 (5), pp.295-319. ⟨hal-02580949⟩
  • Jean-Luc Reboud, Regiane Fortes Patella, Antoine Archer. Analysis of damaged surfaces: part I: cavitation mark measurements by 3D laser profilometry. ASME, FEDSM99-6753, 1999, San Francisco, United States. ⟨hal-02509556⟩