Nos publications

3757 documents

  • Sandrine Bec, André Tonck. Nanoindentation, nano-scratch and nano-friction tests with a surface force apparatus. EUROMAT 2000, Nov 2000, Tours, France. pp.561-566. ⟨hal-00082993⟩
  • Philippe Guy, Thomas Monnier, Jean-Claude Baboux, Michelle Salvia. Long range damage assessment through Lamb waves in large plate-like composite structures. Journal of Advanced Science, 2000, 12, pp.268-274. ⟨hal-00743174⟩
  • Abderrahim El Omri, A. Fennan, François Sidoroff, Abdelaziz Hihi. Elastic-plastic homogenization for layered composites. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2000, 19 (4), pp.585-601. ⟨10.1016/S0997-7538(00)00182-0⟩. ⟨hal-03620030⟩
  • Minh Tan Do, Hassan Zahouani, Roberto Vargiolu. Angular parameter for characterizing road surface microtexture. Transportation Research Record, 2000, 1723, pp 66-72. ⟨10.3141/1723-09⟩. ⟨hal-00851386⟩
  • François Nicot, B. Cambou. Modelling of interaction between cable structures and geomaterials: an implicit example of structural control. 2nd european conference on structural control, Champ sur Marne 5 juillet 2000, 2000, Champ sur Marne, France. pp.12. ⟨hal-02579393⟩
  • Emmanuel Rigaud, Jean Sabot, Joël Perret-Liaudet. Approche globale pour l'analyse de la réponse vibratoire d'une transmission par engrenages. Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis, 2000, 9 (1-2-3), pp.315-330. ⟨10.1080/12506559.2000.10511443⟩. ⟨hal-00121910⟩
  • Guillaume Challier, Regiane Fortes Patella, Jean-Luc Reboud. Interaction between pressure waves and spherical cavitation bubbles: discussions about cavitation erosion mechanism. ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. ⟨hal-02510551⟩
  • Olivier Coutier-Delghosa, Regiane Fortes Patella, Jean-Luc Reboud. Study of unsteady cavitation: development of a single fluid model in the Fine/turbo code. NUMECA International User meeting, 2000, Brussels, Belgium. ⟨hal-02510600⟩
  • Emmanuel Rigaud, Jean Sabot, Joël Perret-Liaudet. Effect of Gearbox Design Parameters on the Vibratory Response of its Housing. 4th World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission, Mar 1999, Paris, France. pp.2143-2148. ⟨hal-00121841⟩
  • Gu Xiang Zhang, Emmanuel Rigaud, Jean-Claude Pascal, Jean Sabot. Gearboxes: indirect identification of dynamic forces transmitted to housing through bearings. 4th World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission, Mar 1999, Paris, France. pp.2065-2078. ⟨hal-00122875⟩