Nos publications

3754 documents

  • Pierre Gobin, Michelle Salvia, L. David, M. Morin. Comments on the physical basis of the active materials concept. Complex Adaptive Structures, Oct 2001, Hutchinson Island, France. pp.84, ⟨10.1117/12.446780⟩. ⟨hal-02362193⟩
  • Jérôme Bastien, Claude-Henri Lamarque, Michelle Schatzman. Study of an Elastoplastic Model With an Infinite Number of Degrees of Freedom. ASME 2001 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Sep 2001, Pittsburgh, United States. pp.1307-1313, ⟨10.1115/DETC2001/VIB-21456⟩. ⟨hal-04216235⟩
  • Christelle Guerret-Piecourt, Sandrine Bec, Daniel Treheux. Electrical charges and tribology of insulating materials.. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Série IV, Physique, Astronomie, 2001, t2 (Série IV), pp.761-774. ⟨hal-00163672⟩
  • Claude Gibert. Analyse modale non-linéaire expérimentale. Mécanique []. Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2001. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00591587⟩
  • Olivier Coutier-Delghosa, Jean-Luc Reboud, Regiane . Fortes Patella. Numerical study of the effect of the leading edge shape on cavitation around inducer blade sections. CAV 2001: Fourth International Symposium on Cavitation, California Institute of Technology, Jun 2001, Pasadena, United States. ⟨hal-00211734⟩
  • Olivier Coutier-Delghosa, Regiane . Fortes Patella, Jean-Luc Reboud. Evaluation of the turbulence model influence on the numerical simulation of unsteady cavitation. ASME FEDSM 2001, Jun 2001, New Orleans, United States. ⟨10.1115/1.1524584⟩. ⟨hal-00211649⟩
  • Mickael Hofmann, Bernd Stoffel, Olivier Coutier-Delghosa, Regiane . Fortes Patella, Jean-Luc Reboud. Experimental and numerical studies on a centrifugal pump with 2D-curved blades in cavitation condition. CAV 2001 symposium, Jun 2001, Pasadena, United States. ⟨hal-00211726⟩
  • Henrik Lohrberg, Bernd Stoffel, Regiane Fortes Patella, Jean-Luc Reboud. Numerical and experimental investigations on the cavitating flow in a cascade of hydrofoils. CAV 2001 Symposium, Jun 2001, Pasadena, United States. ⟨hal-00211732⟩
  • Regiane . Fortes Patella, Guillaume Challier, Jean-Luc Reboud, Antoine Archer. Cavitation erosion mechanism: numerical simulations of the interaction between pressure waves and solid boundaries. CAV 2001 symposium, Jun 2001, Pasadena, United States. ⟨hal-00211723⟩
  • Minh Tan Do, Hassan Zahouani. Frottement Pneumatique / Chaussée – Influence de la microtexture des surfaces de chaussée. JFT (Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie), May 2001, France. 15p, tableaux, ill., schémas, graphiques, bibliogr. ⟨hal-00851303⟩