Nos publications

3746 documents

  • C.H Park, W.S Han, Alain Vautrin, W.I Lee. Multi-criteria optimization of composite laminate plate.. 10th european conference on composite materials, Apr 2002, Bruges, Belgium. paper 350. ⟨hal-00298397⟩
  • S. Avril, Alain Vautrin, P. Hamelin, Y. Surrel. Analysis of the efficiency of composites in improving serviceability of damaged reinforced concrete structures.. proceedings of the 8th European-japanese Symposium on Composite Materials, Apr 2002, Tokyo, Japan. pp.31-43. ⟨hal-00298381⟩
  • J.M. Martin, Th. Le Mogne, P. Bilas, B. Vacher, Y. Yamada. Effect of oxidative degradation on mechanisms of friction reduction by MoDTC. Tribology series, 2002, ⟨10.1016/S0167-8922(02)80023-2⟩. ⟨hal-04593570⟩
  • Olivier Coutier-Delghosa, Philippe Morel, Regiane Fortes Patella, Jean-Luc Reboud. Numerical simulation of turbopump inducer cavitating behavior. ISROMAC-9, Feb 2002, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.1155/IJRM.2005.135⟩. ⟨hal-00211736⟩
  • S. Vacher, Jérôme Molimard, H. Gagnaire, Alain Vautrin. Embedded fiber optic sensors for real time LRI process monitoring.. First european workshop on structural health monitoring., 2002, ENS cachan, France. pp.1126-1133. ⟨hal-00298551⟩
  • Henrik Lohrberg, Darmstadt Stoffel, Regiane Fortes Patella, Olivier Coutier-Delghosa, Jean-Luc Reboud. Numerical and experimental investigation on the cavitating flow in a cascade of hydrofoils. Experiments in Fluids, 2002, 33, pp.578-586. ⟨10.1007/s00348-002-0508-6⟩. ⟨hal-00211188⟩
  • C.H Park, W.I Lee, W.S Han, Alain Vautrin. Structural and process optimization of composite structures with resin transfer molding.. The third asian-australasian coference on composite materials (ACCM-3), 2002, Auckland, New Zealand. ⟨hal-00299079⟩
  • Alain Le Bot. Energy transfer for high frequencies in built-up structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, 250 (2), pp.247-275. ⟨hal-00469430⟩
  • L. Leotoing, Sylvain Drapier, Alain Vautrin. First applications of a novel unified model for global and local buckling of sandwich columns.. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2002, 21, pp.683-701. ⟨hal-00297546⟩
  • Sylvain Drapier, A. Pagot, O. Elbouzzaoui, Alain Vautrin, P. Henrat. Assessment and prediction of the influence of the stitching density on the transverse permeability of NC2 multiaxial reinforcement.. 10th european conference on composite materials, 2002, Bruges, Belgium. paper 281. ⟨hal-00298407⟩